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  1. First, I found Pinterest

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011

    I am almost certain that if you have a crafty, artsy, geeky or even foodie bone in your body, your reaction to stumbling upon Pinterest was similar to mine; utter and complete excitement. This, of course, turned quickly into obsession, but who is blaming anyone? With the ability to customize your own boards, add collaborators and capture ideas from the world wide web in one place, cataloged and at the ready, it is every visually motivated and anal retentive person's dream. Since finding Pinterest, I have spent many a night pinning things to my various boards, reorganizing them and fantasizing. This is what I would wear if I could fit into it or if I had taller legs or if I were a man. This is what my dream bathroom looks like and here are ten others to choose from. Then there is the genius of Pinterest: realizing that YOU can do many of the projects, tutorials, inspired looks, etc.

    I am a proud Florida State alum. Go Noles! One of the choice trinkets of knowledge I will always carry with me is inscribed on the top of Dodd Hall at Florida State University. It reads: The half of knowledge is to know where to find knowledge.

    Pinterest has made being smart, easy.

    My intent with this blog is to have a place to pull together all of the projects that I complete using Pinterest. I hope that you will join me and share your projects as well!